Saturday, March 16, 2013

Earnest Anticipation & Fulfillment of Lifelong Dreams

I have earnestly longed to share this meal with you!

These are Jesus' words as he lifted the bread above His precious head during the final Passover meal of his ministry.  These are the words I will speak early tomorrow morning as I lift the bread and wine at the altar in Murrayhills Christian Church.

How long I have waited to share this meal with you!  I have dreamed of this very moment from the time I was three years old. 

This is what has been going through  my mind ever since I was asked to lead communion and to speak the words of institution over the bread and wine on this day.  I have an almost child-like giddiness bubbling up within my spirit as I contemplate the honor I have been given by being asked to preside at the Table.  Like the great women of old: Miriam, the first worship leader of Israel after the Exodus; Hannah, the barren woman giving thanks for the gift of a child of promise and prophecy; and Mother Mary, giving thanks for the salvation of all humankind, my spirit is filled with songs of praise and joy at the fulfillment of a lifelong dream.

Eucharist - A Meal of Thanksgiving - Photo by Trista Wynne
As I pray and consider the Scriptures etched in my heart, my imagination fills out what might have been going through Jesus' mind, the things He wanted to say but couldn't for one reason or another, on that evening so many years ago...

You don't yet know the importance of this meal.  You've been celebrating it all your lives, and yet the Spirit of God still has more light to shed on your hearts and minds.  Our Beloved in Heaven is working, even in this very moment, to bring the Kingdom of Peace and Love to the earth through you.  And it starts here, with this bread, with this wine, with the sharing of this meal.  The Kingdom of God begins with you.

Can you imagine what was going through the minds of Jesus' friends and family when they saw Him lift the bread to receive the blessing of His Beloved?

This is my body, given for you.  Do this in remembrance of me.

I wonder what they thought when He lifted the cup of wine at the end of the meal.

This cup that is poured out for you is the New Promise in my blood.

In Luke's gospel, immediately after sharing this meal, Jesus reminds those who are gathered that the shape of the coming Kingdom of God is completely counter cultural.

We are in a different Kingdom.  It is not like those of the earth where the one who is in charge lords over the others.  Rather, with you, the greatest among you must become like the youngest, and the leader like one who serves, for I am among you as one who serves.

Jesus invites all to His table.  It is here that we are reconciled to one another.  In this meal, our spirits are fed.  At His table, we are connected to all the followers who have gone before or will come after us.  Here, we are reconnected to our Maker.  Here, we remember that the Kingdom is being brought to the earth through us.

No wonder Jesus earnestly desired to share this meal with His family and friends!

May we be drawn to Jesus' table with earnest anticipation, as though we had been dreaming of this moment from our earliest memories!  To be sure, tomorrow, I will be.  Sharing this meal with you all is the fulfillment of a lifelong dream.  It is, most certainly, a meal of Great Thanksgiving.

Lord Jesus, come.  Beloved, come.  Holy Spirit, come.  Meet us at Your table.  Amen.

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