Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Gift of Light: A Simple Poem of Thanks for Sun, Song & Sharing


The sweet sunshine settles along the horizon
another day is at an end,
I enter Your chamber to thank You
You bless us with the gift of life, my Love
and the sensuous joy of light
our hearts are lifted in gratitude for all
Drumming and dancing, our bodies rejoice
sun on our faces and birds all around,
our spirits are filled with delight
A contented purr resounds
as the windows are flung open wide
the kitties delightedly stretch and mew
A gentle caress from the cherry blossom
the sensuous aroma of the wild flower
sweet perfumes of incense grace the afternoon

The brush in my hand strokes the canvas
divine delicacies dance on our tongues
we happily doze in the warmth of Your light

"Blossoming Joy" - Photo by Trista Wynne
Thank You, Beloved, for the light of this day and the music we made together!

May our eyes be opened to whatever You desire to show us. 
May our minds be prepared for all that You want to reveal. 
May our hearts and spirits pursue You above all else. 
And may our bodies be vessels of Your love. 
In Jesus’ name, amen.

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