Saturday, May 28, 2011

A New Creation: Life, Death & Resurrection for All


These last few days have been filled to the brim with contemplations regarding life, death and the communion of saints.  Such contemplations and percolations have been generated by a great many things even over the last few years, to be sure.  Particularly poignant have been the experiences of loss of loved ones, the study of the Scriptures and church history, the immersion into zombie culture that my husband and I have entered in Seattle, and observations we have of the world and society around us. 

There is much confusion in our culture about what constitutes life and what death truly is.  Your word has much to add to this discussion.  I pray, Dear One, that the hope found in Your promises will be preached, and that new life will be openly received here in this place.

"Life Sprouting Forth" - Photo by Trista Wynne 
The more life experience I have, the more I value the love, nourishment and support of the great cloud of witnesses that are gathered near Your heart and still actively engaged in the world here and now.  I know that there are many who are longing for the assurances that their loved ones have not simply returned to dust, but are active members of Your body in the New Life.  May Your Church respond with strong theological affirmations that even in death Your servants do praise You. 

Even in death there is newness of life.  May we proclaim this truth from the rooftops and let the echoes resound to the ends of the earth. All of creation is being made new because of the love You have shown through Jesus the Christ!

Precious Spirit of Life, may You swirl around and through Your Church bringing wholeness, peace and transformation.  May we not become discouraged or grieve endlessly, for we have hope and assurance in You.  Society seems to decay around us.  Even within our own congregations much fighting and devouring of one another takes place.  Still, You, O Lord, are present. 

You have not completely abandoned us or left us in our zombie-like state of existence between this world and the next.  No!  You are working even in our very midst, endlessly toiling throughout the cosmos and into the core of the earth. 

There are no people and no things that are completely void of Your Spirit.  All of creation is being made new.  Your wisdom is far greater than we can comprehend!

Even when death and striving is all around us, You, O Lord, are working to bring life.  When fear and warnings that the end of the world and judgment are near, You, Beloved, speak softly through Your prophets.  You reshape the visions that people have and turn our eyes towards You. 

Yes, there will be a judgment, but Your prophets tell us that this judgment will bring peace, wholeness and restoration to all of creation.  No, none of our human-erected societies will remain intact once You have accomplished Your tasks.  We will all be changed.  We will forget what war is like and there will be no more striving, for all peoples to the end of creation will have their fill and be satisfied in You.  All of the nations will be healed, and the entire creation will be gathered into one in You.

Beloved, we often confuse death for life and life for death, but You are the Source of all True Life.  Let Your creation hear Your voice.  May we all be attentive to the movements of Your Spirit and work with Her to bring life, wholeness and restoration to Your earth here and now. Amen.

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