Sunday, May 15, 2011

What do You Have in Your Hands?

The question posed by the pastor at Westminster Chapel this morning echoes through my heart.  What do we have in our hands, bodies, minds, spirits, talents and being that the Lord desires to use?  What are the limitations we impose upon ourselves?  God has gifted us with a vast array of talents and personality traits.  All of them can be used for God’s glory.  How do our perceived limitations get in the way?  Maybe we have much more to offer than we believe.  What would the Lord like to do in, with and through us?

"Working Hands" - Photo by Matthew Wynne

I wonder about these things as I prepare to lay my head against the pillow this evening.  Just a few short hours ago we found ourselves in the Fremont Abbey with the Church of the Apostles.  The speaker there reflected on Jesus’ assertions from the gospel of John. “I am the good shepherd.”  “I am the door.”  These images all give us clues as to what our Lord is like.
  As shepherd, Jesus is caretaker, leader, compassionate healer, strong corrector, midwife, nurse, navigator and protector.  As the door, Jesus leads to a new realm of being, a new direction to take, a whole new realm of possibilities.  Jesus is always open; the door is never locked.  Jesus is the opening to eternal life, and all may come to the Papa through Him.  But this door does not only have ramifications for eternity.  The very consideration of the door changes our vision of what is possible even here and now…

I wonder what discoveries lay in store for all of the peoples whom You are drawing close to Your heart.  What do I have in my hand that I can give for Your glory?  What would You like to do through me?  Through Your Church?  For Your peoples?
How can I best honor You where You have placed me today?  What would You like to do in, with and through me?  Who would You like me to speak to?  What shall I say?  Who would You like me to listen to?  Who needs a touch of grace?  To whom can I bring Your vision of hope, mercy, justice and steadfast love?
Are there any parts of me that I try to keep from You?  Do I hide in shame or fear or defiance?  Would You like to heal my wounds, Beloved?  Or are they useful as they are?  If my limitations are beneficial to Your Kingdom, Lord, I humbly accept them.  But if they are imposed from sources which don’t desire Your glory, Lord-God, I want You to break their power over me.  Either way, I give them to You.  My life is in Your hands, Beloved.
My husband and I sense Your Spirit of Peace prompting us to open our hands.  We shall remain in this place for as long as You desire to flow through us here.  We trust that You will open the doors that will lead to renewal and life.  Perhaps we will be part of Your door for someone else.  You are preparing the way for use.  We walk in Your light.

All that we are, we give for Your purposes.  All that we have, we offer for Your work in this world.  Let us always be reflections of Your love.

Through Christ our Lord, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, we open our hands and lift our prayers to You.  Amen.

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