Monday, November 21, 2011

Sighing over the False Prophets

Bless the Lord, my soul,
and bless God's holy name.
Bless the Lord, my soul,
who leads me into life.

You do lead us into life.  You came so that we might have life and have it abundantly.  You have given us a Spirit of love that casts out fear.  You are our refuge in time of trouble and a fortress in whom we find shelter and steadfast love.

O Lord, You do not desire oppression.  Tyranny and coercion are detestable in Your sight.  When Your disciples fought among themselves about who ought to have more power and influence, you clearly stated that this power struggle has no place in Your Kingdom.   Why then, do we insist on stratifying ourselves and claiming that our caste system within the family of God has Your blessing?

Who, dear Lord, will You raise up to critique this network of lies?  Where, O God, are your prophets?  When, Most High, will Your Spirit of Truth speak and bring the oppressive structures claiming to be "ekklesia" down?

Shepherd of Life, when the false pastors gorged themselves upon your sheep, You sent Ezekiel to stand against them.  Today, false prophets are leading Your people astray and profiting from their oppression! These false prophets claim to be speaking and teaching and building in Your name, but everything that they preach goes against the mutual submission and love the Jesus shows Your Kingdom to be made of!

How long, O Lord?!  Will You allow Your name to be twisted, abused and profaned forever?!  When will Scripture cease to be used as a weapon of mass destruction?  How long, dear Lord, until everyone knows the healing power of Your love?

Ah, Beloved, when will we stop devouring one another?  What must be done for all of humanity to hear Your "cease fire"?  How long, precious Lord, until Your Day of peace, justice, provision, mercy and holy rest comes among us?

I wish today was Your Day!

Come quickly, Beloved.
Come quickly and bring glory to Your name!

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