Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Calling of Your Light

Beloved ~

The sun is shining brightly today, something it hasn't done in months.  Week after week, the dark clouds have hovered, threatening rain, reflecting the heaviness and teariness within me.  Today, though the clouds have parted; gentle breezes have carried them away, perhaps to some weary land desperately in need of moisture and shade.

Although the clouds have parted, my weariness remains...

Photo by Trista Wynne
A branch blocks the light, keeping our bedroom from being filled with the sunshine.  I'm tempted to run outside with a hacksaw or to break it off by hand.

My soul needs the light.  My eyes need the light.  My body, my heart, my mind need Your Light.

The light remains outside.  The sunshine's rays are filtered by the tree branches, only partially reaching my eyes.  And yet, even in this half-light, I am being comforted.  I find a smile beginning to tug at the corners of my mouth and my lungs filling a little deeper with Your Spirit.

I roll onto my side and rest my head on my pillow.  Now, in this half-light, You are near.  For Your Presence I am very grateful.

You are calling to me.  Whispering.  Drawing me out of the shell of self-doubt.  Drawing me into the light.

It is cold outside, bitterly cold, so I dare not go out for very long.  Still, the light calls to me in ways that little else has in recent days.  And so I shall go.  Out where the light shines, out where Your Spirit is calling, hoping the sun will shine in my heart, granting hope and peace to the nooks and crannies within.

Here, Beloved, here I am.

Here I am in this new year.

Whisper, for Your dear one is listening...

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