Wednesday, August 10, 2011

For the Unnamed Infant

I haven't updated my prayer blog in a whole month.  I have entries written down, but not yet electronically recorded.  This morning's post is flowing spontaneously into the computer, and I ask you to join me in prayer.

One of my dear friends is serving as a missionary in an Asian province and we have received a special request to pray for a premature infant who has captured the hearts of those with whom this friend works.  The infant is, as of yet, unnamed.  The infant mortality rate is so high in this area that most infants are not named until it is evident that they will survive.  It was not all that long ago, historically speaking, that people in our country also refrained from naming their children until they had survived for several months or even the first year or two.  Living in a state of uncertainty and refraining from attachment to a child as a means of self-preservation must be devastating.  One can imagine that despair is the average feeling in such a time and place.

Dear friends, we know the Author of Life.  We know that there is One who calls us each by name, even if no one else knows what our name is.  We trust that Jesus the Christ is in the process of bringing forth abundant life and crafting an eternal realm where there is no more death, pain sorrow, loss or despair.

In the name of Jesus the Christ, I declare that this child will receive fullness of life, and I pray that the Breath of Heaven will so fill her lungs that she will not struggle for breath any more.

Lord God, creator of the universe and keeper of the tiniest of seeds,
You know this child's name and You call her Your own.
Let her shine as proof to the world that You are the God of Compassion.
Give her a full life as a shining example of Your love and grace.
Let death have no power over her, 
and scatter the shadows of fear that cover her.
You, O Lord of Life, are the Great God 
who holds all things in the palm of Your hand.
Lean close, whisper into her ears and call her by name.
Breathe on her, O Breath of God;
heal this child and let her be a shining symbol of Your everlasting love.
By the power of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus' name,

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